By using their new three-part brain to create ideas, and developing their new potential for speech, our first human ancestors began an experiment in cooperative living. It was to share their new ideas by learning to "talk" to each other, form and carry out cooperative group plans of defensive action, and thereby increase their chance for survival and happiness in a dangerous world.
This "Human Experiment" worked very well. Their shared, cooperative ideas became the first culture, a unique human invention that guided their group thinking and behavior in a cooperative direction, and put them on a highly successful course for a long time.
Then their descendants unknowingly altered their Cultural Process and put themselves on the self-destructive course on which we find ourselves today. How did that happen, and how can we now regain our successful course? The answers to these questions will be presented in this blog, and they offer us humans "A Reason for Hope."

PLEASE NOTE: Out of my experience in WWII has come the rest of this blog, so to understand it all it is necessary to begin with Part One by clicking below.

PART TWO: The New Human Story, Introduction, The Four Paradises

 (Part One of the blog was to tell the war story that started  me on my quest. It should be read first, and is presented here.)


 Introduction:  The Four Paradises

Accounts have been passed down through time saying that long ago there was a place on Earth which was a human paradise. Whether it really existed, or was merely a tale long talked about, no one had evidence to prove one way or the other. Finally the evidence in our actual Human Story offers the proof, and what it shows is amazing. Not only did the paradise exist, but it was the second one in a series of three, and we are now in the process of creating a fourth! In writing this blog, and sharing this information, we hope to help speed its creation.

Of course it can seem unrealistic to say that we are in the process of creating a human paradise on Earth, when our species has been overpopulating our planet and destroying its life-sustaining natural environment as fast as we could, killing each other in terrible wars that have not even been declared, letting deadly, preventable diseases become pandemic, following “leaders” who divide us rather than bringing us together, and have been taking us down the road to self-destruction, etc. It is understandable that this horrible, irrational, morbid situation is causing many persons to despair, thinking that we have proved ourselves to be merely another “unsuccessful species” and that it is too late to save ourselves from terrible personal suffering ending in human extinction.

Fortunately, however, we can now see that there is another side to our human reality, which is that we are a successful species. We could not recognize this until we had discovered and understood our entire Human Story. It shows us what we desperately need to know today: our first human ancestors knowingly undertook an experiment in cooperative living that was new on planet Earth and possibly new in the entire Universe, and it was completely successful.

The three brains. (From
Sustainable Sonoma blog)
This new “Human Experiment” grew out of a three-part brain structure that reflects stages in evolution. The experiment began when our earliest human ancestors began to create cooperative ideas in their individual minds, and by developing their potential for speech began to share these ideas with the others in their small group. This enabled them to form and share plans of cooperative action which greatly improved their ability to survive and to enjoy being alive.
However, we need to see also that their descendants were unable to continue the cooperative function of the experiment successfully because they had not yet evolved sufficiently to recognize the reasons for their success.

What everyone on our planet needs to recognize now,  is that it has taken us a million years for us to acquire the information we need to make our human experiment completely successful again. Very fortunately, just when we need it most, we have developed a global communication system which makes possible the instantaneous dissemination of the needed information, so that everyone on our planet Earth can have access to it.  This gives us a powerful new way to cooperate as our ancestors did, by sharing our cooperative ideas and acting on them together as a coordinated group.  To begin our "New Human Story" let us go now to the building of the First Human Paradise.       (Click below on HOME, go to Blog Navigator, and click on Part Two: Chapter 1 - The First Paradise.)